OUR STAFF is comprised of both Volunteer Firefighters as well as a Fire Chief, and two Lieutenants. Volunteer staffing is maintained at a minimum of 45 Firefighter/EMTs. Daily Staffing of Station 74 is a minimum of two personnel on duty at all times with a maximum of six. When staffing allows, we will staff both a fire engine and a BLS aid unit. Along with our fire apparatus, one command unit staffed by either a Chief Officer or other officer to act as our Battalion Chief / Duty Officer.
OUR COMMAND STAFF is made up of Chiefs and Officers who are responsible for the oversight, leadership and command of the line firefighters and respond to large incidents requiring command. Riverside Officers are trained to the levels set forth by the Washington State Patrol and certified by The International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) and National Fire Academy (NFA). Our Officers are certified to a minimum level of IFSAC Firefighter 2, Fire Instructor I and NFA Incident Safety Officer. These skills include advanced understand of fire suppression operations and tactics, incident command, fireground safety and personnel leadership, training and management.

Kira Thirkield
Fire Chief

Station Dog | Morale

Doug Thor
Captain | Operations

Devin Purbeck
Lieutenant | D Team

Alex Stopsack
Lieutenant | Training

Amy Devine
Executive Aide

James Dean
Lieutenant | Operations

Holly Kennison | Team Lead, A Team
Jonathan Garcia| Team Lead, B Team
Jose Pineda | Team Lead, C Team
Katelyn Walther | Team Lead, E Team
Henry Hernandez | Team Lead, Recruits
OUR LINE FIREFIGHTER STAFF is made up of firefighters who respond to your calls for service. Riverside firefighters are trained to the levels set forth by the Washington State Patrol and certified by The International Fire Service Accreditation Congress or IFSAC. Our firefighters are certified to the level of IFSAC Firefighter I and Firefighter II. These skills include fire suppression techniques, fire science and behavior, fire department ladder skills, and victim rescue tactics. All firefighters must pass an intensive training program including a 6 month firefighter training academy, as well as live fire training at the state fire academy located in North Bend. Once training is complete recruit firefighters attend a certification exam, this is both a thorough written exam as well as a practical exam of up to twelve skill tasks.
Along with firefighter certifications, our staff is also required to obtain and maintain a Washington State EMT-Basic or EMT-Paramedic certification. Once an EMT certification is obtained, personnel are then enrolled in a monthly EMS training program. This program consists of monthly training set forth by Pierce County EMS, and is a three year re-certification program.
Firefighters also maintain special operations certifications and training. Several of our firefighters are cross trained in swift water rescue, wildland firefighting, hazardous materials, and rope rescue. All of our firefighters are also required to obtain and maintain a Washington State emergency vehicle incident prevention (EVIP) qualification. The EVIP qualifies drivers of emergency vehicles. A 24 hour class is attended that includes classroom training, a vehicle familiarization course or rodeo, and a road drive test.